Auck: Michael Owen

Michael Bio Pic for web2Michael Owen
Certified SHEN Therapist
Mbr: The International SHEN Therapy Association

Ponsonby, Auckland
Tel: +64 9 376 9599

I came to SHEN Therapy following a history of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & associated physiological, psychological and emotional challenges. SHEN has proved invaluable in my own healing process. It has helped me to embrace my most vulnerable and sensitive aspects giving me back a true sense of self care and love in all aspects of myself. It is this depth of care that I pass on as a SHEN Therapist.
The healing arts and the natural health field have played a strong part in my life since my late 20s with training in Reiki, Organic Horticulture, Natural (Esoteric) Healing and a Diploma in Yoga. All of these underscore my SHEN Therapy Practice and give clarity, depth and an integration of care in working with you as a client. This is also assisted by a twenty plus year meditation practice. With SHEN Therapy I offer to you a form which gets to the heart and soul of emotional issues gently, compassionately and with great depth. I also have a strong interest in men’s community, health and well being with a clear outreach to the diverse sexuality community.

You can call me at: +64 9 376 9599
or email me at: [email protected]

SHEN Therapy