East Sussex: Monica McCusker

Monica McCusker
Certified SHEN Therapist
Mbr: International SHEN Therapy Association
East Sussex
+44 7596 334 983

I first received SHEN in 2013 after experiencing the shock of an earthquake whilst living in New Zealand. I was so impressed with how gentle, effective and powerful SHEN was to release blocked emotions, I decided to embark on the 3-year training programme.

I have trained in Nutritional Therapy, Reiki, EFT and Flower essences and SHEN is without doubt the most powerful at getting to the root cause of physical and emotional issues.

As a SHEN Practitioner I have supported many people to feel more empowered, embodied and free of negative patterns that no longer serve them. It is a pleasure to witness client relationships improve, experience freedom from physical & emotional pain and resilience to daily stressors. I noticed the same myself over the many years of receiving SHEN. It also allowed me to feel more connected spiritually, grounded, improve my relationships and ability to cope calmly under pressure.

I am based in Brighton and offer SHEN to clients across Sussex.
Please call me on +44 7596 334 983 or
Email: [email protected]
to have a chat to see if Shen can help you.


Email: [email protected]

SHEN Therapy