We tend to think of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as being only Battlefield Trauma but there are many causes.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorders are emotionally crippling conditions that usually do not develop until some period of time after a traumatic experience when the terrifying emotions experienced during the event become internalized. It may take some months or years before they surface.
Car Crashes, Rape, Muggings, Tornadoes, are a few.
Once called shell shock or battle fatigue, PTSD was thought to affect only war veterans, but PTSD can be caused by any devastating traumatic event. These include car, ship, or train wrecks, airplane crashes, or collapse of a building, natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes, or earthquakes, personal violence such as a mugging, rape, kidnapping, torture, or being trapped in a cave-in, an elevator, or being held captive.
The person who develops PTSD may have been the one who was harmed, the harm may have happened to a loved one, or the person may have witnessed a harmful event that happened to loved ones or to strangers.
What are some indicators of PTSD?
Unexplained outbursts of anger, aggression, grief, and/or irritability are common. There may be persistent depression, despair, shame, guilt, feelings of betrayal, deep loss, and/or hopelessness are some. PTSD may include persistent anxiety, irritability, inability to be close to people, fear of innocuous places or things, inability to feel emotions, consistent overreaction to insignificant events, insomnia, and/or poor concentration. There may be flashbacks or half images of the event or episodes of overwhelming anxiety, Panic Attacks and/or terrifying nightmares where the sufferer is helpless. Sometime there are unexplained physical problems, such as eating disorders or unreasonable physical pain, with or without any emotional condition. Physical symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal distress, immune system problems, dizziness, chest pain, or discomfort in other parts of the body are common in people with PTSD.
An event’s anniversary can provoke traumatic reactions.
The late Dr. Norwood Russell Hanson, who was Professor of Philosophy at Yale University, was a fighter pilot on a Navy carrier during World War Two. During one battle, he was unable to fly on a mission with his squadron because of a severe cold.
Every one of his squadron mates was killed when a bomb exploded in the middle of the squadron while waiting to take off!
He was never able to get over feeling guilty for not having died with his comrades.
Until he died in 1967 in the crash of his World War II Grumman F8F fighter aircraft, Hanson was unable to get out of bed on the anniversaries of that ill-fated mission.
Can SHEN Therapy help recovery from PTSD?
Yes it can. PTSD is an emotional condition and
emotional conditions are what we work with.
At the very least, SHEN will speed recovery.
SHEN operates on the principle that residue of emotional trauma from earlier in life is held deep inside the body where it influences the way we live our lives, and disrupts normal bodily functioning.
SHEN accelerates the release of the debilitating trauma and helps restore a normal healthy emotional core.
SHEN works very well by itself and works well in
conjunction with one of the more traditional therapies.

SHEN will bring your PTSD to a successful conclusion!